At the 2006 YSD business meeting in Pittsburgh, several members of the division expressed concerns that YSD membership was not being supported by the division. Several members had checked the box on our membership forms when we paid our PaLA dues, but what happens next? Are we invited to go to the business meeting? What does it mean if I check that box on the form? How do new members get on committees and become involved? How can we encourage other YS people to be excited about things as we are and give up their time to spread that enthusiasm?

One member suggested a YSD mentoring program. Others suggested invitations to the meeting and better division PR. Several members asked many questions about listservs and being informed. One person stamped her feet in frustration and got volunteered to help pull all of this together – and others thankfully joined in.
So, this is our attempt to answer, invite, connect, involve and support YOU – a valuable member of PaLA’s Youth Services Division!

Who is a YSD Member?

If you are a dues paying member of PaLA and you checked the little box on the membership form for Youth Services Division, then you are a member!

What does it mean to be a member of YSD?

You care about the quality of services that young people receive in Pennsylvania’s Public Libraries.

What are the YSD’s Mission and Objectives? (Yes, we are librarians, so we have to have these)

The Youth Services Division of Pennsylvania Library Association strives to ensure high quality public library services and programs to all children in the Commonwealth.

Objectives of YSD:
Inform membership about training opportunities, standards of service
Exchange ideas for programs and service improvements

How can you get involved?

Speak up! Stamp your feet! Jump up and down! Send emails, make phone calls and let your voice be heard!

What is expected of me if I become involved? How much time does being involved take?

That depends upon you and what you volunteer to do. Ask questions and learn about what is needed. Then volunteer for what you can reasonably handle.

Who do I contact to become involved?

Division Chair Youth Services
Ing Kalchthaler
Bethel Park Public Library